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BroadWorks Call Recording – How Does it Work?
31 August 2016

BroadSoft provides Unified Communications and Collaboration services to operators all over the world. Put simply, BroadWorks helps operators to provide unified communications services needed by enterprise customers globally. The call recording protocol used by BroadWorks has been integrated into the very core of Dubber, allowing us to work together in perfect harmony. Without being too technical, here we describe how this partnership benefits the call recording services Dubber can provide to our users.

BroadWorks embraced a new global call recording standard when they created their SIPREC interface. The interface essentially provides a link between the service provider’s telephony environment and the recording platform, allowing companies who provide call recording solutions access to users’ conversations. If the user decides to record their calls, this interface enables them to utilise call recording software. It is the SIPREC protocol that forms the basis of Dubber’s construction. Our call recording solution has been designed to interface with the SIPREC platforms, enabling us to provide call recording to any platform that already deploys SIPREC. BroadSoft is the perfect partner for Dubber, helping our call recording solution to achieve new levels of functionality and service to our users. BroadSoft themselves have acknowledged the harmonious union as Dubber passed their rigorous interoperability tests to become accredited: “The Dubber platform and SaaS business model complement the BroadSoft technologies”.

This partnership developed further in May this year, when BroadSoft chose Dubber to be their official partner for Audio Call Recording as part of their fully managed service for Japanese telecoms, BroadCloud. This development is something Dubber has eagerly awaited, as it provides an exciting development for our growing global scope. We will soon provide our call recording solutions in association with BroadSoft’s managed service in Japan, improving our service in yet another region.

The BroadWorks motto is “simplify, accelerate, innovate”, and through our collaboration, that is exactly what Dubber has achieved for call recording services.


Dubber’s partnership with BroadWorks simplifies call recording for our users by:

  • Limiting your admin. The only administration needed to start using our recording services is a simple sign up to the BroadWorks interface
  • Automatic call recording: Dubber captures calls through the SIPREC interface directly from the BroadWorks system
  • Processing of data: all relevant metadata is efficiently processed, stored and presented through the Dubber Cloud Application
  • No hardware headaches for end users or service providers
  • No need for maintenance, upgrades or limited scalability or storage


Dubber’s partnership with BroadWorks accelerates call recording for our users by:

  • Rapid deployment: the SIPREC link between BroadWorks carriers and Dubber speeds deployment of our call recording to users. Your service could be up and running in mere hours!
  • Automatically provisioning Call Recording for BroadWorks users
  • Limited administration and setup
  • Hassle free testing: Dubber’s Lab operates as a call recording sandbox, allowing carriers to test our services by connecting BroadWorks lab systems to Dubber in a matter of minutes


Dubber’s partnership with BroadWorks innovates call recording for our users by:

  • Allowing unlimited scalability: Dubber’s connection to BroadWorks operates from a cloud platform, allowing elasticity of call recording services to users for the first time
  • Creative ways of accessing the  Big Voice Data: through the BroadWorks API allows association between Dubber users and their phone data
  • Specially constructed high availability of every component of Dubber
  • Meeting PCI-DSS compliance: all BroadWorks users can benefit from Dubber’s ability to help users meet PCI-DSS compliance through secure access to recordings and encryption technologies, download and sharing controls, complex password authentication, pause and resume functions during exchange of sensitive information, ability to tag recordings as ‘sensitive’, and finally DTMF masking and muting
  • Global service: the partnership enables Dubber to deploy call recording worldwide: interconnect points are available to maintain a guaranteed level of quality between the service provider’s SIPREC enabled deployment and Dubber’s cloud infrastructure. New locations can be requested.
  • Support for VoiP, IM and Video capture

The accreditation by BroadSoft has allowed Dubber to revolutionise BroadWorks call recording technology for service providers, by providing a service for end users that has never before been possible. As with everything we do, Dubber works to innovate our services in areas which have previously been stagnant for essentially decades. In pursuit of this challenge, we are always looking to partner with industry leaders such as BroadSoft, and through these relationships, bring improved service to both our end users and the clients of these industry leaders.


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