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Podcast | In vs. On – How to turn every conversation into an infinite source of revenue
10 November 2022

“Once you understand what isn’t working… the answer really becomes more clear,” says Michael Abenhaim, SVP of Americas Sales at Dubber.

Abenhaim describes a seismic challenge facing the service provider community and discusses a path forward. Native services and applications offered at a higher margin and lower cost, underpinned with 100% customer ownership will, according to Abenhaim, deliver the differentiation SPs and customers are looking for, but without deep partnering this solution is still difficult to realize. “By making conversational intelligence native on their network, service providers set the building blocks in place to deliver unique and valuable intelligence back to their customers in ways others are not or cannot,” Abenhaim adds.

In this podcast, Abenhaim opens the idea of conversational data as a place for providers to tap into, offering their customers an invaluable intelligence resource, and unlocking an underpenetrated revenue stream.

Dubber enables SPs to create infinite value by using technology to generate visibility within networks. Unlocking the value of the network starts IN the network.


Listen to the full podcast

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