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Unlock intelligence from every conversation with Dubber AI
18 October 2021

Capture more than an mp3, video, or flat transcript – unlock the power of Conversational Intelligence with Dubber AI.

Conversational Intelligence: beyond basic recording and transcription to an enriched data-set of words, speakers, emotions, languages, and themes. With these meaning-enriched data sets, users can create and trigger real-time automated actions and workflows.

Download our Dubber AI whitepaper to find out:

  • How to unlock comms channel data silos with Unified Conversational Recording
  • How we embed Dubber AI into every conversation; to hit compliance mandates, plus fuel revenue, people, and customer intelligence
  • What’s under the hood in Dubber AI & the Voice Intelligence Cloud
  • Use cases & best practices for Dubber AI-enhanced conversational analysis & actions – improve customer experience, boost employee performance, heighten fraud detection, and more
Capture conversations, enrich with AI for the full picture, surface dataset insights in real-time, and create trigger-based actions on conversations as they happen.

Here’s how Dubber AI does it.

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