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Watch: Dubber’s Customer Success Story on AWS
27 October 2021

We’re cloud-native – proudly always have been. Back in 2011, at a time when cloud services were more conceptual than reality over here in Australia, Dubber realised the massive potential of making our product a cloud-native offering.

Partnering with AWS in their first Australian regional offering almost 10 years ago was a no brainer for us – and continues to be a valued and foundational partnership, as AWS goes from strength to strength as the world’s largest cloud services provider.

James Slaney, our Co-Founder and COO, sat down with Aley Hammer from AWS to talk about Dubber’s success on AWS to date.

Watch as James unwraps the power of Voice AI for businesses worldwide, how service providers are leveraging Dubber to create more value for customers on their networks, and how our centralised data services platform on AWS is available at the click of a button.

Thanks to AWS and the power of cloud, we can offer unlimited scale and always-on availability that modern enterprises have come to rely on.

For those with a different enterprise architecture mandate, we’re also ready for your data storage and processing requirements on Azure, GCP, data centres, internal enterprise or hybrid environments – so ask us if you had something a little different in mind.

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